A lot of artists wonder and worry if they’re good enough or ready enough to get an O-1 visa.

See if any of these sound familiar:

  • I worry I’m not good enough for an O-1 visa.
  • I am not sure if I have done enough extraordinary things to qualify for an O-1 visa.
  • Sometimes it feels like getting an O-1 visa is impossible and I should just give up.

Do any of those sound like you? Have you ever said those things to yourself?

You are not alone. A lot of people feel overwhelmed by the O-1 visa process. When you look at the visa requirements, it can feel impossible to prove that you are an artist of extraordinary ability.

There’s only one way to find out for sure: You Have to Try

If you want to guarantee that you will NEVER qualify for an O-1 visa, the best thing to do is to never even try.

Sure, that may sound silly, but it’s really unbelievable (and sad) how many qualified artists never get an O-1 visa because they just think the process is too much of a hassle or that they would probably never qualify anyway.

So, what kind of artist are you?

Are you the kind of artist who wants to move to the USA but is too afraid to try?

Or, are you the kind of artist who wants to move to the USA and won’t let anything stand in their way?

If you want to know how O-1 visa ready you are right now, please take the quiz below. Once you’re done, tally up your points and then you will be able to read how O-1 visa ready you are.

The O-1 Visa Readiness Quiz

Instructions: Select your answer for each of the 5 questions below, count up your points, then read your results below.

#1: I have read the O-1 visa requirements on the USCIS website or here on our website.

A) No, I haven’t really looked at it yet and I don’t even know what an O-1 visa is.

B) I have looked at the requirements and I am worried that I don’t meet them, but I am not sure.

C) Yes, I have looked at the requirements and they fit me perfectly! I am confident that an O-1 visa is the perfect visa for me.

#2: I have won a major award like an Academy Award or a Grammy OR I meet at least 3 of the 6 criteria (see question 1 for a link to the criteria).

A) There’s no possible way I could ever meet 3 of those criteria! They are way too hard for me.

B) I think I could show how I meet 2 or more of the criteria, but I am not 100% how I would strongly show that I meet 3 or more.

C) I definitely meet at least 3 of those criteria, maybe even 4, 5, or 6. (Or, I have won a major award already.)

#3: I have some ideas about what I’d like to do or plan to do while I’m in the USA on my O-1 visa.

A) No, I really can’t see myself getting any work in the USA as an artist.

B) I would love to be able to pursue my career as an artist in the USA and I know some things I’d like to do, but I’m not sure how to make that happen.

C) I already have some gigs lined up and I just need to get this O-1 visa so that I can go to the USA and do my job(s).

#4: I have already put together a portfolio of all of my best work.

A) No, I haven’t done this yet.

B) I do have some kind of portfolio, but I am not sure if it’s put together so it has the best chances of getting approved.

C) I have put together a comprehensive portfolio of all of my best work that shows how I meet the criteria for the O-1 visa and I am ready to submit it.

#5: I tend to get discouraged easily and give up when I’m told “no” or I don’t know what to do next.

A) Yes, that’s me. It’s hard being an artist because there is a lot of rejection.

B) Yes, sometimes being an artist is discouraging, but it is my passion and I usually find a way to pick myself up and keep on pursuing my dreams and goals.

C) No! I am not a quitter. When I know what I want, I go after it. I don’t give up until I achieve my goals.


Mostly A’s:

If you scored mostly A’s, it sounds like you lack confidence in your ability to get an O-1 visa and/or you lack work experience as an artist. The best thing for you to do next is to review the criteria for an O-1 visa and then start brainstorming. Ask yourself, “How can I make this happen?”

Mostly B’s:

Most artists who want O-1 visas fall into this category. They have done some high-caliber things in their career as an artist, but they aren’t sure if those things are strong enough to qualify them for an O-1 visa. It is also possible that you have already tried to get an O-1 visa and were rejected or that you reached out to a lawyer who said you weren’t ready yet.

If this is you and you are sure that you want an O-1 visa, please know that you are not alone. The best thing for you to do is learn the best and strongest ways to present your portfolio of accomplishments to US immigration, then put together an O-1 visa application that truly reflects your extraordinary ability as an artist.

If you would like help with the process of getting O-1 visa ready, we encourage you to apply for a complimentary O-1 Visa Strategy Session with us. If you qualify, it is a $500 value you’ll get for free.

Mostly C’s:

Your confidence is inspiring! You will have a much easier time going through the O-1 visa process if you can keep up that same level of faith in your abilities. Good job!

Unfortunately, even exceptionally accomplished artists can still get rejected for O-1 visas if their evidence is not presented correctly. It is extremely important that you make sure your evidence showcases you in the correct way to inspire an easy “yes” to your O-1 visa application.

If you would like to make sure your portfolio is as strong as possible before you apply for your O-1 visa, your best step now is to apply for a free O-1 Visa Strategy Session with the American Artists Council (a $500 value for free, if you qualify).

Visit the AAC’s O-1 Visa Blog for more tips, tools, and strategies for getting together the strongest possible O-1 visa portfolio and maximizing your chances of getting your O-1 visa on the first try.
You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it (and we’d sure appreciate you letting us know):
If you are an artist who wants to take their career to the next level by pursuing an O-1 visa, but are worried that your O-1 visa portfolio is not strong enough, the American Artists Council can help. Get your free “O-1 Visa Action Plan in 3 Easy Steps” to get O-1 visa ready faster than you ever dreamed possible at www.AmericanArtistsCouncil.org.